Pamela Moran's Blog

Shades of Spring

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Driving up and down the mountain the last few weeks, I've enjoyed watching the leaves unfurl and stretch. That bright, spring green started low and has gradually reached the higher elevations. 

This was shot yesterday evening, around six, with the lowering sun shining through the leaves. Happy I had my camera with me, I pulled off to the side of the road and took several shots. 

I have a feeling I'll be making more impromptu stops in the near future.


Whether painting, out on a photo shoot or writing, Pam has always had a bend toward the creative side of life. Her favorite is when she can combine any of those with travel. Places get into her blood and she loves to explore the possibilities, always with characters and a story in mind.

An astrologer for most of her adult life, Pam has been known to see auras & the occasional ghost. Considering she lives in a haunted house in the mountains of southern California, this keeps life interesting.


  • Super User
    Super User Thursday, 16 April 2015

    I love trees. Photos like this make me want to just sit and look at them. Nice work, Pam.

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  • Pamela Moran
    Pamela Moran Thursday, 16 April 2015

    Thank you, Mary!

    I know what you mean about just sitting and looking. There's something peaceful about doing that.

    My love of trees is part of the reason we live in the mountains. A forest ranger told us there are several pines in our yard well over a hundred years old. And then there are a few baby trees that just recently pushed their way through the soil. ;o)

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